Painted hands

Our goal is to introduce orphaned / state-cared children to the world of capitalism, as without experience from home, they enter the world of granite hardness, where they cannot count on help.

In the program we see the worlds of money, employee existence, business and investment. Our goal is not to fill children’s heads, but to broaden their horizons.

We do not want to pass on knowledge, but we want to shift the focus by unleashing imagination, financial imagination, to draw attention to the endless wealth of possibilities. Because the pedagogical method does not punish mistakes, we do not block but develop abilities.

  • Have a balance between revenue and expenditure. Cash flow approach.
  • "Children are shaped by own choices ’cards to build their personality.
  • Development by action is the most effective of all methods.

Painted Hands pedagogical workshop

Csányi Zsuzsanna

Project manager and pedagogical consultant.

Elek Zoltán

Programmer, presentation leader.

What is so special about it?

The real special feature of the game is the time management. It is an innovative solution not seen anywhere else that helps build our lives.

The game teaches us how to build on our successes and how to stand up after failures.

  • Build your life with special time management.
  • Get to know the thoughts of one of the most successful value-based investors in the world with an exclusive series of interviews!
  • Experience the vulnerability of being an employee!
  • As an entrepreneur, fight the hell of a recession.
  • Make your real estate empire a success!
  • Be the emperor of multi-asset investments on the stock market!
  • Use the stock valuation program section or create your own version!
  • Overcome everyday challenges!
  • Learn from the best with XP cards!





About us

Our goal is to introduce orphaned / state-cared children to the world of capitalism, as without experience from home, they enter the world of granite hardness, where they cannot count on help.
The program introduces them to the worlds of money, being an employee, entrepreneurship, and investing.