Download permission

Only in the education we provide, including video distance learning, is the program FREE for participants, but in this case it cannot be freely distributed. The first installation video contains the password. Passdw: secret The program must be kept confidential. Access should only be granted to authorized persons. It is FORBIDDEN to pass on to third parties or give a presentation with the free version. See: License

Schools or foundations may use the program only for a specified period of time with a personalized user license. Indicative price: USD 100 per participant per year. Discounts can be requested for more than 10 people. Only this version should give a public presentation.
Please read the terms of use.

Dice game.

Image 01

There is also a version of the dice board game. This is especially ideal for beginners or young people.
Also available in Hungarian and English.
You download and print it
Passwd: secret

Intrinsic Stock Value Calculator

Image 06

Part of the game. Business use is FORBIDDEN!

Windows installer warning

Image I

Unfortunately, big systems like Apple, Google, Microsoft are trying to oust INDEPENDENT developers with fear and definitely want to force them into a managed ecosystem.
Select More info to allow the installation.

Administrators authorized installer

Image 02

There is a Windows-based computer version of the program. This is especially ideal for advanced users.
Administrator privileges are required for installation. PASSWORD: secret

User authorized installer

Image 04

There is a Windows-based computer version of the program. This is especially ideal for advanced users.
User rights are sufficient for installation. PASSWORD: secret

GTK2 runtime environment

Image 03

Installers included. There is no need for it.

Windows ms-gaming-overlay-popup

Image I
Image I

Suddenly, this annoying pop-up window appeared. Go the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\GameDVR locale. Make the AppCaptureEnabled és GameDVR_Enabled entry with a value of 0.

Comparison tables

Image 05

It is needed for analyzes.




  • Dice game. There is also a version of the dice board game. This is especially ideal for beginners or young people.
  • Computer version of the program. There is a Windows-based computer version of the program. This is especially ideal for advanced users.


  • We are grateful for the many selfless help that countless people have provided for the project. Without them, we could not be here now.
  • We are especially grateful for the help and kindness that Szombatfalvy László provided to the project, which cannot be expressed in words.

About us

Our goal is to introduce orphaned / state-cared children to the world of capitalism, as without experience from home, they enter the world of granite hardness, where they cannot count on help.
The program introduces them to the worlds of money, being an employee, entrepreneurship, and investing.